Author Dr. Dewey W. William’s online presence offers readers an immersive immersion inside the author’s literary world, this website is a captivating extension of their creative universe. His website features his book “The Rapture: Leaving in Chariots of Fire.”
Additionally, it provides a way for readers to engage with the story and the author on a more reflective level.
An author’s website serves as a dynamic platform that highlights their writing voice, style, and creative process, rather than just an online profile.
An author’s website acts as an essential tool for readers to explore their works, learn about upcoming events, and gain insights into their writing process through an eye-catching layout and efficient navigation.
An effective author website additionally offers interactive features like online book stores, social media links, and updates that promote seamless interaction between the author and the readers.
Dr. Dewey W. Williams has devoted over 40 years to ministry, establishing himself as a passionate scholar of both the Bible and history. Born in 1956 in Roanoke, Virginia, he grew up in a pastor’s home, experiencing many moves during his early years.
In 1964, he found salvation in a church in Giles County, Virginia, built with materials from the Great Fire that destroyed the famed Wabash Camp Grounds in 1897, once led by Brother Robert Sheffy. During his high school years, Brother Williams drifted away from God’s path but was restored in 1976.
The following year, he answered God’s call to preach and began pastoring in 1978. That same year, he married Sherri Slaughter of Kingsport, Tennessee, and together they’ve been blessed with two daughters and eleven grandchildren.
Known affectionately as “Brother Dewey,” he has had a remarkable journey in ministry. He has pastored for over four decades, founded several churches, and broadcasted The Gospel Voice Broadcast for more than 40 years.
As Senior Pastor of Belle Meadows Baptist Church in Bristol, Virginia, for over 30 years, he has also engaged in a vast itinerant ministry, preaching in 32 states and eight countries. His work in the Philippines, where he’s preached on seven different islands, and his nearly 20-year regional television program, demonstrate his far-reaching influence. Thousands have come to faith through his ministry, including many from his area-wide tent meetings.
Alongside his pastoral work, Brother Dewey and Sherri operate WIGN Radio Station, broadcasting through AM, FM, and internet signals. He is an honorary recipient of three Doctorate degrees and graduated in 1986 from Liberty Home Bible Institute. Despite his formal education, his greatest lessons have come from life’s challenges, his unwavering faith, and his dedication to the Lord. He remains committed to spreading the Old-Time Gospel of Christ, faithfully finishing his race with honor.
The books he has written are a result of his close walk with God, deep study, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, with all glory given to the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
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