Please refer to our Refund Policy for detailed information on the conditions for product refunds.

No, we do not issue refunds for digital products once the order is confirmed and the product is delivered. If you encounter technical issues, please reach out to our customer support for assistance.

The ability to cancel a service and receive a refund varies based on the type of service. Please review our Refund and Returns Policy

To cancel a service and request a refund, please contact our customer support within 5 days of the scheduled service date. Visit our Contact Us page for assistance.

In most cases, customers are responsible for return shipping costs unless otherwise specified by Studio Of Books LLC.

Refunds are typically processed within 5 days after the returned item is received and inspected. The timing may vary based on the payment method and other factors.

If you experience difficulties accessing a digital product, please contact our customer support for prompt assistance. We're here to help resolve any technical issues.

For any additional questions regarding refunds, please feel free to contact us at support@studioofbooks.org. Our customer support team will be happy to assist you.

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