Beyond Doubt


Author: Ronald McCartney
PB ISBN: 978-1-964148-56-4
EBOOK ISBN: 978-1-964148-57-1

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The apparent conflicts between science and revelation have been around for a very long time. Averroes (1126-1198) preferred human reasoning and philosophy over revelation. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) reversed that order on the observation that God is consistent and is the author of both science and revelation. William Paley (1743-1805) Laid the foundation for INTELLIGENT DESIGN in his 1802 book, NATURAL THEOLOGY. Charles Darwin (1809-1882) dispensed with religion and proposed, as the Greeks had, that Nature could account for everything we see: no need for a Creator. The author shows that Darwin’s “adaption” mechanism is inadequate to explain what we humans observe. Prescience is obvious in the birth of animals and Humans, and it is the definition of INTELLIGENCE, which is the hallmark of personhood; read Creator. In the generations since Darwin, the enemy of God has convinced many people that they “are just animals.” Quite a change from his pitch to Eve; “you shall be as gods.” The priests of Darwinism contend that there is neither God nor Devil, just chance, matter and time. Lots of time! The author’s interest in science and religion began at a young age. The mystique of visits to the family doctor awakened the lore of science. Witnessing the death of a beloved puppy, run over by a truck, sparked religious question about life and death. Science education included a B.A. in Chemistry, and M.S. in Biochemistry and an M.D. degree. A four year residency in therapeutic and diagnostic radiology followed several years of general medical practice. A radiology career spanned several decades and included academic, group and solo practice positions. He is father to five children, eleven grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren. He and his wife Donna have lived in Florida since 2004.


Ebook, Paperback


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